Spring 2016
Washington State University
Professor: Taiji Miyasaka
Washington State University
Professor: Taiji Miyasaka
Solving homelessness starts by understanding everyone's individual stories. By listening, one starts to change their perspective on homelessness. Once we start tearing down the stigmas towards homelessness, altruistic ideas arise and systematic interventions follow.
Alongside Facing Homelessness and The BLOCK Project, our 3rd year studio spent a night at a tent city. By the end of the experience we were left with their stories of struggle, anxiety, and distress. Each story was unique - each person was unique. Most desired a sense of community and to feel included.
The Madrona Neighborhood is a quiet place. One of the Homeowners, Jenni is providing space in her backyard for temporary shelter.
The site yields vast views of Mt. Rainer and natural light. This engenders a place of healing and tranquility. The site, being in Jenni’s backyard, may also provide a shared space.